Absolute Legend At Electric Picnic Gets Photo Taken With Garda


SOCIAL media lit up like a Christmas tree this morning after an absolute edge-lord at Electric Picnic became the first reveller of the weekend to have his photo taken with an on-duty guard.

Daily Edge.ie devoted no fewer than 15 articles to the monumental meeting between Jack Kinsella, 24, and one of the hundreds of extra gardaí drafted in for the Stradbally-based festival.

Kinsella, known locally as a mad bastard and a total legend, approached the officer this morning at 10AM immediately after arriving at the campsite, and asked a passer-by to snap a photo for his Facebook account.

The post, captioned ‘even D gards r enyoying D picnic lolz’ quickly went viral, with everyone losing their mind at how down-to-earth and sound the guard seemed, and how amazing it must be to live inside Kinsella’s mind where this kind of thing gets dreamt up in the first place.

“Can you imagine having the balls to just go up to a guard and ask them for a photo,” said one commentator, in total awe of the whole thing.

“Truly this is one of the most important things to have ever happened in the history of music festivals in Ireland. I don’t know how anyone can top it, unless someone gets a picture of themselves with a guard and the guard is maybe holding a Mayo 4 Sam flag or something, but what’s the chances of that happening over the next three days?”

UPDATE: unconfirmed reports are coming in of a second reveller who has had their photo taken with a guard, holding a Mayo 4 Sam flag between them.

More as we get it.
