UFC’s Bruce Buffer To Fight Boxing’s Michael Buffer For Announcers Gig


WITH only a matter of hours left to go before Irish UFC champion Conor McGregor takes on boxing world champion Floyd Mayweather Junior, event organisers have announced a preliminary match up that will see Bruce Buffer pair off against his half brother Michael Buffer for the announcer gig of the century.

Known for his “let’s get ready to rumble” catchphrase, boxings Michael Buffer has been tipped as the 9/4 favourite to beat the less experienced Bruce Buffer, who only began announcing in 1996, compared to his older brother’s announcer debut in 1982.

“This will be one of the most hotly anticipated announcer fights either sport has ever seen,” said event organiser James Chamberson, “Bruce is the underdog here, but I wouldn’t write him off as he is 12 years younger than Michael and his voice sounds a lot crisper”.

The preliminary match up will take place just before tomorrow’s main event and will comprise of three 5 minute rounds, including an opening announcer round where both men shout their own statistics at each other while holding a microphone.

“Bruce’s ‘fighting’ trademark might overcome Michael’s ‘let’s get ready to rumble’ due to being a more new a relevant phrase,” one announcing expert explains, “both men also have a background in boxing and martial arts so it should be interesting to see how this whole thing pans out, with the winner going on to announce the main event”.

Also on the undercard, UFC’s “big John” McCarthy is also expected to pair off against boxing referee legend Mills Lane (79) in a no holds barred cage match up to the death.
