Joy As Beautiful Flock Of Cranes Return To Dublin City Centre


HAVING believed them to be extinct for many years, Dublin city has announced their joy at the return of a flock of majestic cranes which have begun to once again appear across the skyline of the city.

The elegant, long-armed cranes were once a familiar sight in Dublin, before dying off in droves at the end of 2007, leaving many crane experts at the time suggesting that it could be decades before the city saw the return of the crane, however, these reports were proven wrong as one by one they reappeared.

The cranes settled back into their natural habitat and straight away began to reproduce, with several smaller cranes popping up beside the larger ones as 2017 rolls on.

“And here we see the alpha crane, dominating the sky high above the streets of Dublin, dipping down to gather another load of its favourite meal, concrete,” said crane expert John O’Hanlan, peering across the rooftops of Dublin through a pair of high-powered binoculars.

“And across the sky, we see cranes of all shapes and colours, working away at their daily tasks. It’s amazing to think that this time last year the city was a toxic wasteland, where these cranes could not survive, where they were not welcome. But once the economic climate changed ever so slightly in their favour, they all came flooding right back”.

“Luckily the Dublin landscape is a much more fertile landscape for cranes now, and they’ll hopefully never leave again”.
