Runaway Airport Bus Complained Of Being Overworked Just 2 Weeks Ago


A BUS that went on a rampage at Dublin airport this morning, causing thousands of euros worth of damage had reportedly complained about being overworked just two weeks ago, a source told WWN.

The Bus Eireann coach apparently lost control of itself before going on to demolish a set of traffic lights and a trolley bay in a fit of rage, and then crossed two lanes of traffic to the airport car park before finally coming to a halt on a grass embankment and breaking down in a flood of tears.

“You can’t help but feel sorry for the bus,” one eyewitness said before recalling the incident, “everyone could hear it beeping, like it was upset and reversing, then I could see it heading straight for a set of traffic lights and then across the airport road. It was obvious from that point it had enough and just wanted to end it all”.

Sources at Bus Eireann confirmed that the bus has been working 19 hour days for the past three years and had very little time off since it came off the production line.

“Concerns were raised about the buses welfare only two weeks ago when it complained of being overworked during a routine service check,” the source revealed, “many of the buses here are in the same position and it was only a matter of time before one of them cracked”.

Earlier reports that a copy of a Koran was found on the bus have since been rubbished, bringing Irelands terror alert back down to ‘grand’.
