BREAKING: Jenny Just Shifted Mark Again At Forbidden Fruit


EYE WITNESSES at Bulmers Forbidden Fruit festival can confirm that Jenny Farren and Mark Mangan, known to friends as the ‘Ross and Rachel’ of their group have shifted one another for the third consecutive year on Kilmainham soil.

What had first appeared to be a harmless flirtation, beginning as Mark suggested himself and Jenny get married in the inflatable church, soon developed into an intense tonsil cleaning session after the pair locked eyes in much the same way they had at the festival in 2016 and 2015.

“Vintage Jenny and Mark,” remarked Aisling, a friend of the on again, off again, on again, off again, on again, off again couple.

‘Jark’, as the pair refer themselves when in a relationship, are set to take in a variety of music acts while staring lovingly into each other’s eyes before promptly breaking up in the days after the festival’s end, sources close to the couple have confirmed.

“Well, that’s them glued to each other for the rest of the day,” Aisling added, however, this reporter was unable to clarify if Jenny and Mark had glued themselves together as part of some bizarre mating ritual.

UPDATE: it is believed neither Jenny nor Mark are aware that all inflatable church marriages at Irish festivals are actually legally binding after an update in the laws earlier this year.
