May Spins Chamber, Closes Eyes, Pulls Trigger



Theresa, listen to us.


Theresa, just think, okay, remember? It’s just a couple of years ago, you were against all this, you had no desire for anything like what they’re saying here.


Could you shut the fuck up, you racist, England First bastard? Can’t you see we’re talking here? Theresa, can you hear us? Look at us.


What about Nicki, Theresa. What about Scotland. What about the north of Ireland, what about the hard border and the Good Friday Agreement and the thousands upon thousands of young people who don’t want you to do this? It’s all old people that want you to do this Theresa, sick twisted old people who have nothing to lose by seeing you go through with this.


Don’t risk it Theresa. Don’t throw it all away. There’s nothing to gain and you have no clue what you could lose. Don’t you remember, Theresa? Don’t you remember what it was like to have friends that would back you up? Friends that would support you? You think you can go on without them?


For Christ sake you fucking stupid, duped-by-a-fucking-bus dunce cunt, can you shut your fucking hole for two seconds? Theresa, if you pull that trigger, it’s all over. You don’t get a second chance at this. You don’t get to say sorry in a few years and get welcomed back. You just get one shot.

… one… shot?

That’s right Theresa. Just one shot.

ha.. okay. One shot.


