Dreadful Weather Expected To Clear Up Just In Time For Monday


GOOD news from Met Éireann today, with confirmation coming in that the spell of dreadful weather about to hit Ireland at the weekend will be cleared up in time for you all to return to work on Monday morning.

Gale force winds, torrential rain and plunging temperatures are set to ruin all plans that you may have made for the weekend, but these conditions will abate at some stage on Sunday evening, leaving Monday morning merely ‘miserable’, but not treacherous.

While meteorologists are currently urging people not to leave the house at the weekend unless ‘absolutely necessary’, they have also stated that people will be ‘grand’ to go to work on Monday morning, with no possibility that the weather can be used as an excuse to stay home.

“Friday afternoon through to Sunday night is going to be horrendous,” said one Met Éireann spokesperson, speaking exclusively to WWN.

“Don’t go to the pub, don’t walk the dog, don’t go have lunch with the girls, don’t take the kids to the park. But come Monday, you’ll be all set to go back to that job you fucking hate and sit there all day, looking out at the sunshine”.

Meanwhile, families across the country are steeling themselves ahead of a weekend trapped indoors together.
