Local Gobshite To Celebrate Thanksgiving


A COMPLETE and utter gobshite is to celebrate the American national holiday of Thanksgiving this year, despite having absolutely no connection to the United States or Canada.

Jamie Power, who has been living in Waterford city all of his life, announced to friends and family that he will be preparing a large feast of turkey and ham tomorrow evening, if anyone wanted to come over and join him.

“Guys! Anyone fancy coming over for thanksgiving?” Power posted on his Facebook feed, before hilariously adding “Feel free to bring your own bottle of wine, I won’t charge corkage. Lol”.

Following several silent hours of zero notifications, the grandson-of-four took to his page once again, this time defending his celebration, in case anyone thought he was mad.

“I think it’s only right we should celebrate thanksgiving with our American cousins, especially in their time of need right now,” he posted again, refreshing his browser for the 674th time, “I’m also doing this for the Indian tribe in standing rock in a show of solidarity? Anyone?”.

Unaware of his desperate tone, the 39-year-old edited his post to include the promise of free beer, claiming he will be buying “three slabs of cans” to accompany the meal.

Following 358 likes, 57 love hearts, 12 surprised faces and 678 Facebook comments from people confirming their invite, Jamie Power later had to call off the dinner due to ‘unforeseen circumstances’, just before gaining 76 angry emoticons and a “fucking, gobshite” message from work colleague, Paul.`
