Total Legend Already Planning 12 Pubs Of Christmas


ONE full-time mad bastard has taken time out of his busy schedule of mad-bastarding to draw up a preliminary outline of this year’s ’12 Pubs Of Christmas’, which he promises will be ‘totally the best craic ever, like’.

Absolute lad Michael ‘Mikey’ Lennon has informed the other members of his ‘DA LADDZ’ Whatsapp group as to what night they will hit the town, as well as a preliminary list of pubs they will hit on their quest to celebrate Christmas, one pint at a time.

“You should see the jumper I’m planning on getting, it’s gas altogether,” said Lennon, speaking exclusively to WWN.

“Lights up and everything, you’ve never seen anything like it in your life, unless you have eyes and have been out at Christmas anytime over the last ten years”.

“I’ve been thinking I might get a Santy hat as well, but one with something funny written on it. Then me and the boys are off to the pubs on the 22nd of December, to have the absolute best time anyone can ever have, maybe get some chips, get sick everywhere, and not be allowed into any nightclubs because we’re just too fucking mental”.

Lennon may be out of luck this year, however, as emergency legislation is being rushed through the Seanad in a bid to have the “12 Pubs Of Christmas” outlawed due to it being ‘just so fucking cringey’.
