Open Top Bus Parade To Mark Pat Hickey’s Return To Ireland


FORMER OCI president Pat Hickey has been given permission by a Brazilian judge to return to Ireland, citing medical grounds, sparking a mad scramble back home as the public prepare for an open top bus reception.

Dublin City Council was said to be aggrieved at the short notice given by Brazilian authorities but would nonetheless endeavour to give Hickey a hero’s welcome.

“We’ve only been able to close off a route from the airport to O’Connell Street, and we’ve only got a handful of pyrotechnics since it was short notice like,” explained head of council’s Hero’s Welcome Committee Joe Dreeney.

Crowds of 3 million are expected to line the streets of Dublin in anticipation of the return of the Olympic official who was arrested as part of an investigation into illegal ticket touting.

The judge in the case has admitted that there is a risk Hickey will simply refuse to return to Brazil, a risk made all the more possible by the overwhelmingly warm reception he will be greeted with on the streets of Dublin.

“Normally something like this would be a ticketed event, but…well, you know yourself,” explained Dreeney.

“They say we give a parade or civic reception to anyone these days, but it’s not true, we try our level best to never give one to people from Cork,” added a now irate Dreeney, straying off point completely.
