Creche Springs Fancy Dress Party On Parents Out Of Fucking Nowhere


ONE Waterford couple have issued an urgent plea for help after the creche which looks after their four kids casually informed them that there will be a fancy dress party taking place tomorrow.

Cathal Keenan and his wife Emily only learned of the Halloween party when they picked up Sean, Patrick, Caitlin and Owen from the Lismore creche at 5.45pm today, leaving them with just a few hours to source four costumes before their kids have to suffer the ignominy of being the only ones not in fancy dress tomorrow.

This is not the first time that the Keenans have found themselves in this situation, as the staff at ‘Happy Heads’ creche are renowned for springing special events like this on parents, completely out of the blue.

“It was the same last Christmas, they just casually mentioned we needed to dress the kids like snowmen as we were on our way out to the car,” sobbed Cathal, ringing around to see if any of his friends had spare Halloween costumes for the morning.

“But Halloween and Christmas, those are easy compared to the random days during the year, where you get a note in their bag to say they have to bring in 19 ladybirds or dress up as a lighthouse or some shit like that”.

Unless the situation improves in the next four hours, all four of the Keenan children will be going to creche dressed in normal clothes but presented as ‘the cast of Seinfeld’.
