Vladimir Putin Pictured With One Orange Palm


A LEAKED shot of Vladimir Putin has sent the internet into a flurry this morning, as the Russian president appears to have some sort of orange substance smeared on the palm of his right hand.

Putin was appearing at a state function in Moscow when the shot was taken, just as the 64-year-old was reaching out to shake the hand of one of his guests.

Theories as to how Putin came about one glowing orange palm have divided social media today, ranging from suggestions that the premier had perhaps been peeling oranges for an hour before the event, or had accidentally leaned against a recently-painted orange wall.

“Let’s not jump to any conclusions,” said one American commentator on Twitter.

“Granted, Mr. Putin could have come about his orange palm by recently shaking the hand of someone who was wearing fake tan… but he could have also gotten it from patting a lady wearing fake tan on her shoulder. Those Russian women love their fake tan, they’re tango’ed off the face of the planet”.

US Republicans were quick to stress that the bizarre phenomenon had nothing to do with clandestine meetings between Putin and Donald Trump, as Trump’s skin colour is as natural as his luscious hair.
