Scientists Discover What That Guy’s Fucking Problem Is


A TEAM of behavioural research scientists working tirelessly around the clock have finally worked out just exactly what that fucking guy’s fucking problem is, WWN can exclusively reveal.

Just what exactly was up with that dickhead had baffled experts for years, after he had made several passive aggressive remarks seemingly aimed at starting some shit despite the complete lack of any sort of history of animosity or ‘aggro’.

“We’re just here, minding our own business, then this guy shoulders into us on his way past before staring us out of it for the next hour,” said chief researcher Eoin Amhanalla.

“So we’re all like ‘OK, what’s his fucking problem’, you know? We don’t know this lad from a hole in the ground, but he just seems to want to kick things off for no good reason. We made it our business to find out just what’s simmering this guy’s piss once and for all”.

A series of tests were conducted on the subject, assessing his state of mind, history, and general intellect, garnering results which confirmed what many had believed all along.

“Some people are just pricks”, stated Amhanalla, emphatically.

“Case closed”.
