Full-Time Mad Bastard Also Has Two Mad Bastard Nixers On The Go


NEVER one to rest on his mad bastard laurels, Waterford man Jimmy Hughes has expanded his mad bastard activities to include not just a full-time position, but also two lucrative mad bastard nixers as well.

Working as a full-time mad bastard can sometimes leave Hughes feeling run-down and tired, but the 23-year-old somehow finds the energy to also moonlight as a mad bastard from Monday to Thursday, then completes his working week with some mad bastarding on a freelance basis from Friday through to Sunday.

Despite concerns that Hughes may be spreading himself too thin and that by attempting to keep his mad bastard nixers going he risks diminishing the quality of his full-time mad bastarding, the Dungarvan native insists that he can keep all jobs going, at least for the immediate future.

“The minute I feel my full time mad bastard activities are slipping, I’ll walk away from the other two nixers,” said Hughes, who really is just a full-time mad bastard.

“The nixers are great for a bit of extra reputation, but it’s the full-time mad bastard gig that is my bread and butter. It’s been good to me over the years, and I’m not going to risk it. But right now, I’m comfortable that I can keep them all up”.

Hughes added that his two mad bastard nixers were both cash in hand, but stressed that we keep it to ourselves.
