Dana White Out Of UFC 202 Weigh-In After Testing Positive For Performance Enhancers


PRESIDENT of the UFC, Dana White, has suspended himself from appearing in Las Vegas this weekend after testing positive for performance enhancing drugs.

White, who routinely pairs off contenders before fight night, is expected to miss UFC 202 weigh-in after traces of a banned substance was found in his system after requesting a surprise blood test on himself.

“I needed juice for this one. Separating fighters at the weigh in isn’t as easy as it looks,” he tweeted shortly after being pulled from Friday’s weigh-in, “you have to have the strength to be able to separate contenders with just two arms. People underestimate my purpose at these events. I’m there to maintain order”.

The rather buff Mr. White hinted that he may have to call the whole event off, as he was unable to think of anyone strong enough to fill his place, hinting that the entire UFC sport could be in jeopardy.

“There is no one I trust or powerful enough to stand between Conor and Nate this Friday,” White tweeted again, this time with a picture of himself flexing in a mirror. “What if Conor pushes Nate and all hell breaks loose? Who’s going to stop it?” adding, “I’ve let everybody down here, including myself and my muscles”.

This is the first time the UFC president has suspended himself for performance enhancing drugs.

More as we get it.
