Drug Counsellors Admit Craic Epidemic Has Hit Fleadh Cheoil In Ennis


WITH close to 400,000 people descending on Ennis for the Fleadh Cheoil this week, organisers knew there was a risk of problems arising, but few could have anticipated the scale of craic abuse on the street.

“Some lads are dancing in pubs from 6pm until 3am, with no care for the damage they could be doing to themselves by not getting a decent night’s sleep,” local drug counsellor Aine Bunratty explained to WWN.

A series of secret code words are being used by attendees to entice young and impressionable people into premises where traditional music is being played.

“You’ll hear someone whispers under their breath that the ‘craic is mighty’, but long term craic abuse can devastating effects,” head of the Gardaí’s Anti Craic Unit, Sergeant Paul Jennings shared with WWN.

Ms. Bunratty urged those attending the Fleadh Cheoil to try to enjoy themselves without descending the dangerous spiral of craic abuse.

“It’s one thing to be sat in the corner beside a fiddle player slapping your knee to the music, but it’s another thing altogether to be doing it for hours on end and shouting ‘yeeeow’. People need to be aware of their limits,” the counsellor cautioned.

Local Ennis publicans have been asked to reduce the number of bodhrans and fiddles they allow on their premises.

“As we know craic is a gateway drug to banter, one of the most destructive substances effecting Ireland today,” Sergeant Jennings concluded.
