Local Man Reading Neighbour’s Planning Permission Like He Owns The Fucking Planet


A PLANNING permission notice for a two-bedroom extension with an ensuite bathroom and shower is being thoroughly examined this afternoon by a local man, who seems to be under the impression that he owns the fucking planet or something.

Dermot Ryan, a retired bus driver who lives twenty doors away, is believed to have spent several minutes reading the 400 word county council notice after coming across it on one of his many walks around the mature housing estate, which he only moved into last year.

“He took a picture of it with his phone,” owner of the house in question, Mark White, told WWN. “The same bollox wouldn’t look at you when you pass him on the street. Part of the residence committee too”.

Following his investigation into the proposed building order, Mr. Ryan reportedly posted the picture of the planning notice to a local Facebook group called ‘Shady Pines Residents Page’, in an unsuccessful bid to raise some objections.

Ryan later added a comment below his original post with the words ‘hmmm, any thoughts?’ in an effort to further ignite disharmony.

“Hopefully the nosey bastard will find a new hobby for himself soon, there’s plenty of dog shit that needs to be DNA matched to the local dogs,” Ryan added.
