Late Late Audience Member Does Nothing Out Of The Ordinary


THE perils of live Irish television were summed up in two brief seconds on last Friday’s Late Late Show when this absolute legend of an audience member did nothing out of the ordinary.

During a chat with Irish born fashion designer Richard Malone, the camera turned to the live studio audience where the man in question can be seen clapping for the guest, holding back the urge to make a funny face to the awaiting nation.


‘ur man is gas in the audience doin nothin’ wrote one Twitter user, echoing just about everyone’s sentiments online.


‘It’s like he knows we’re watching him and waiting for him to do something,’ wrote a totally different Twitter user, almost capturing the incredible moment in 140 characters or less.

Speaking to WWN earlier, presenter Ryan Tubridy said he was totally unaware of the incident until he got home that night to watch the show.

“It wasn’t until the fourth viewing when I noticed it myself,” recalled the RTÉ man, with his mind. “He must be great craic and we’d love to have him on as a guest next week”.

Audience members on the Late Late Show are always trying to grab the limelight in some form or another, with 9 out of every 10 articles about the program relating to some joker’s antics while sitting in the 200-seater studio.

Only three weeks ago, a county Carlow woman made world headlines when she waved from the back row whilst live on air. She later went on to open this week’s 1916 centenary parade.
