HSE Would Have Gotten Away With It Too If It Wasn’t For These Pesky Kids


THE HSE has responded to criticisms about how vulnerable children were left in foster homes despite accusations of abuse, stating that everything would have been fine is it wasn’t for those vulnerable children left in foster homes despite accusations of abuse.

The statement comes following revelations that a young child suffered years of sexual abuse in a foster home until 2009, despite allegations of abuse and misconduct at the home which dated back over 13 years.

The then Minister For Health Michael Noonan was contacted by the foster father/abuser to intervene, delaying attempts to remove the woman from care.

Despite painting yet another damning portrayal of a health system that routinely failed the most vulnerable people in society, the HSE has commented that once you take the abused children out of the equation, things really aren’t that bad.

“If you don’t mention the kids that were left to suffer sexual abuse despite reporting their abusers to the authorities, then the picture is fairly rosy,” said one HSE spokesperson with a real glass-is-half-full attitude to life.

“But once these damn kids with their years of sorrow and pain come into the picture, well, it doesn’t look great. Seriously, if we could just go a year or two without them reporting their abuse, that would be great”.

The HSE also went on to add that if you don’t mention the hundreds of people lying on trolleys in A&E units around the country, then the health service in Ireland is tip top.
