AMAZING! This Man Made Up To €3,000 Per Week By Just Robbing The Elderly


FOR the past eight years, Dublin man Cathal Burns was down on his luck; in debt to various drug dealers/loan sharks, threats being made on his own life, no real home to go to. Cathal’s world was full of pain and misery, until he discovered robbing.

“It changed my life,” he explained, showcasing his latest snatch, a large handbag he acquired while working the city centre earlier. “I sometimes come out with five hundred spons a day. And to think I spent years staying at home on the scratcher, doing nothing with my life.”

Cathal’s life took a turn for the better in May last year, when he first heard about the art of robbing from a neighbour.

“Dayo in number 89 put me on to it,” he recalled, now dumping credit cards, family photographs and useless purse material into the bin. “I had no idea how easy it was. You basically just run up to some old person, punch them in the face, and then take their money. It’s fucking genius”.

Since last year, Mr. Burns’s business has gone from strength to strength, even hiring staff members to keep up with supply of vulnerable old people walking around Dublin’s inner city.

“Me little nephew Jason is a dinger at it now and learning quick, he is,” Cathal boasted. “My advice to anyone in a rut is to go out there and do a bit of ground work. It’ll pay off in the end and you’ll never have to worry about keeping yourself in proper threads again. It’s a no brainer man.”

Cathal Burns is just one of many young successful entrepreneurs working in the Dublin district, making a living for himself, while thousands continue to sign-on the social welfare system without ever seeking work.
