Man Finally Allowed To Sit Up Late And Watch The X-Files


THERE was unbridled sci-fi joy for one Waterford man last night, as he finally got the opportunity to sit up and watch an episode of The X-Files without missing the end because he had to go to bed, or without having to put up with his dad telling him to “turn that shite off”.

Cian Markey, 34, was just 11 when the celebrated sci-fi series first aired in 1993, and as it aired on school nights his parents forbid him to stay up past 9.30pm, meaning he missed the denouement of every single episode. On top of that his dad Jim, now deceased, had no time at all for the paranormal investigations of FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, and would force his son to switch over to the news during scenes that were deemed “too frightening”.

The now grown-up Markey was delighted last night to finally get the chance to sit down and watch an episode of the newly re-vamped X-Files, which returned to TV screens after a near 14-year hiatus.

“I almost felt like ringing my Mam and saying, ‘hey, guess what I’m watching now?'” said Markey, who remained a fan of the series despite having only ever watched maybe nine full episodes.

“I’m a grown man, so I can stay up and watch all the damn X-Files I want. Not only that, but I had two beers! On a weeknight! If I could tell my teenage self that, it would blow his freaking mind!”

Unfortunately the first episode of the new series proved to be a crushing disappointment to Markey, who switched over before the end so that he wouldn’t miss the start of Vincent Browne.
