Prince George Orders Execution Of Classmates During First Day At School


IT was a busy day yesterday for Britain’s Prince George as he began his first day at preschool, marked by a carefully choreographed photograph which made its way around the world.

His parents Prince William and Kate Middleton have said in the past that they hoped to ensure their children have a normal upbringing, and interacting with other young members of the public was set to serve that purpose.

However, if media reports are to be believed the future king grew immediately tired of his loyal toddler subjects as some had the audacity to answer questions posed by his teacher before he was allowed to answer.

“He’s sort of used to being the centre of attention, and being told he’ll rule over all these little shits one day, so I think he got quite cranky early on,” a Buckingham Palace insider explained to WWN.

“He started shouting ‘I want to go home’ but when a classmate of his said ‘we don’t go home until 2pm’ he completely lost his shit, and ordered the execution of everyone in the room,” the insider added.

The execution of 16 of George’s fellow pupils has been described as ‘regretful’ by the royal family as William and Kate had struggled to find a decent pre-school in their locality and with no more classmates left alive.

The search for a new school begins again.
