Watching Loose Women Now The Highlight Of Unemployed Mourinho’s Day


“I like in particular Colleen Nolan, she is good,” muses Jose Mourinho, settling in for today’s episode of popular ITV daytime show Loose Women.

It’s been three weeks since Mourinho lost his job as manager of the relegation-dodging Premier League side Chelsea, and the 52-year-old has found himself in a daily routine of looking out the window, making tea, and watching a selection of daytime TV, his favourite of which is the long-running panel show.

The “special one” has stated that while the mix of light-hearted discussion and interviews with minor celebrities is one of the few things he looks forward to during the day, there are some changes he would make to the panel.

“Now you have Katie Price on the show, this is not good, to me, I would not have her on the show,” said Mourinho, speaking to his wife.

“Ruth Langsford and Kaye Adams are strong on the wings, but Price is not giving Nolan the support she needs in the middle of the desk. If the producers of the program want to have this line-up, then that is their call. But I know they will only blame the director of the show when there is a backlash from the fans. This is always the way”.

Mourinho went on to add that while he really enjoys watching Loose Women, Come Dine With Me can still be good at times.

“But is better to wait for the omnibus and watch all in one go”, he added.
