Wife Confirms The Meaning Of Christmas Is Getting A New Smartphone


A DUBLIN wife has confirmed that the true meaning of Christmas will come in the form of a new smart phone.

Angela O’Dwyer is determined to ensure the best traditions and most heartwarming elements of Christmas are preserved, chiefly that she gets the phone she’s been dropping hints about since August.

“Honestly can’t wait for Christmas now, and all that goes with it, like the new phone, and the new phone, and of course the new phone,” Angela said while waving her duct-taped covered Nokia 5210 around to get her husband’s attention as he stared at the television.

Like many people, Angela enjoys the run up to Christmas, the putting up of the tree all the way to eating dinner on the day. However, nothing warms her heart more with the message of kindness and company of loved ones like the thought of finally getting rid of her dated phone.

“Are you on the internet there,” Angela asked eldest son Mark as he stared intently at his laptop screen.

“That’ll be me now on Christmas morning, on my new gadget like some internet wizard ha,” Angela added.

To ensure the true meaning of Christmas is fully realised Angela is set to spend the evening replacing the windows of the family’s advent calendar with pictures of the device.
