Carlow Man Wishes His Imaginary American Facebook Friends A Happy Thanksgiving


A COUNTY Carlow man went out of his way to wish all his American Facebook pals a happy Thanksgiving today, despite not having any residing in the country at all.

Cormac Hollihan, who is currently based in Bagenalstown, posted the unusual status update at midday, much to the confusion of friends and family who actually know him.

“Cormac never mentioned he had American friends before. Why would he pretend that he has?” Karen Hollihan, Cormac’s sister told WWN, adding “he’s always banging on about how much he hates America’s foreign policies and is forever posting anti-US news articles from the Guardian newspaper”.

Also bemused by the transatlantic well wisher was long-time friend Derek Thompson, who pointed out that Cormac may be trying to appear a little more travelled and socially understanding than he actually is.

“This is more a case of him trying to be down with the cool kids more than anything,” explained Thompson, who loves to regularly call-out his friends. “Cormac has always gone along with the crowd. It’s sad in a way, cause he’s never actually left Carlow, apart from a school trip in transition year to Dublin”.

Mr. Hollihan was unavailable for comment on the matter.
