Outrage As Referendum On Same Sex Divorce Will Not Be Held Until 2055


DESPITE nationwide celebrations today among the LGBT community over the passing of the same-sex Marriage Act 2015, thousands of would be couples will face a wait of 40 years if they wish to get a divorce from their future partners.

Due to a previously over-looked clause, married gay couples will not be able to divorce under the current constitution, forcing the Government to announce a referendum for May 22nd, 2055.

“Unfortunately, the Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland, which had previously removed the constitutional prohibition of divorce in 1995, did not include gay marriage at the time and we now have to go through the whole process again,” a very worried looking Taoiseach Enda Kenny explained outside Leister House. “This slight oversight will prevent any same-sex couples from getting a divorce for the time being, but the good news is we have already organised a same-sex divorce referendum for 2055,” adding “Sure, ye won’t feel the time flying at’all”.

It is understood that opponents of the marriage referendum this year are already gearing up for #DivRef2055, printing thousands of ‘No’ fliers to be posted to every household nationwide.

“We might as well get in there early,” said Irish teacher and opponent of the marriage referendum, Breda O’Brien. “Let’s see how long they can stick being married to someone they don’t love anymore, like us practicing Catholics do. This will be the real test of their supposed love for one another.”

The Taoiseach has urged gay couples wishing to get married to make sure that they really mean it at the time, and not to jump into something they can’t get out of for the next 40 years.
