Neighbour’s Car Always In The Fucking Way


THE fucking neighbours across the street always have their car parked two feet to the wrong side of you, making it just that little bit more inconvenient to reverse out from your own parking space.

Despite giving them a dirty look while trying to reverse last week, the inconsiderate bastards had the cheek to ask if their car was in the way while you desperately tried to perform a 12-point-turn.

“Ah no, it’s fine!” you replied with a forced smile, in a bid to save any dignity you had left.

“The steering on this thing isn’t the best, I’ll manage.” you added, showing them that their passive aggressive stares were not affecting you one bit, the fucking pricks.

Following several more near misses with your back bumper and their front side panel, you secretly begin wishing that your foot would slip off the clutch, sending your car into theirs, forcing them to cop the fuck on to themselves and park down a bit more to their side.

Instead, you continue to curse them for all the stress they cause before totally losing your shit when they have friends over, who seemingly park right in your fucking way regardless.

“I bet they put them up to it,” you say to your partner, whilst looking out the window. “I bet they’re all waiting for me to pull out now to have a good laugh. Well, they can go shit, I’m not gonna bother going to work today. That’ll show them!”
