The Majority Of WWN Readers Want This Man To Be Our Next Taoiseach



We have to say we’re surprised by this one. Yesterday we polled our readers on who they want to see as the next leader of the country, and there was a huge response with over 23 votes cast.

And once they were all counted there was one clear winner.

Denis, a humble Maltese native and who, after a quick Google appears to be a small business owner, received 87% of the vote with a margin for error of incorrect.

He would of course only be victorious if there was a change to the constitution allowing non-nationals to run for the office of the Taoiseach, but your support for him was almost unanimous.

This is even more impressive when you consider he wasn’t on our list of options. WWN readers appear to have responded to a more salt of the earth honest joe, the likes of which you just don’t find in politics these days.

Elsewhere in the poll, current Taoiseach Enda Kenny received just 1% of the vote, with Dundalk carpenter Sean Hurlihy, 29, taking an impressive 12% of the vote.

Sean will be disappointed, however, as he was a heavy favourite with the bookies after his ‘Fuck Fine Gael, fuck Labour, fuck Sinn Féin, fuck Fianna Fáil’ 4-second speech had gone viral earlier this week.

Rumours of a snap November election increase this week after Enda Kenny was seen placing a bet on a November election in a Castlebar bookies.
