Government Buys Bedsit In Dublin With Proceeds From Garda Station Closures



THE Government has confirmed the purchase of a bedsit in Dublin city centre which was bought using the savings from 139 Garda station closures.

Speaking at a brief ceremony celebrating the new property, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said he was delighted to announce that the 10 X 8 foot one room apartment will be given to one of the many homeless families littering our capital’s streets.

“This is the part of the job I absolutely love,” he told a small crowd of journalists as he cut a ribbon to the entrance of the bedsit. “I hope that whoever gets this beautiful property will appreciate this Government’s efforts over the past four years and understands the sacrifices our rural citizens made for them to acquire this new home.”

Shaking hands with the previous owner, Fine Gael supporter and friend Thomas Hackett, Mr. Kenny handed over a cheque for €556,000 –  the exact amount saved from all 139 Garda station closures.

“This is just the first part of a five point plan we will be implementing to tackle the homeless issue,” he added. “I would just like to thank those rural people up-and-down the country who sacrificed their local Garda station for this cause, and hope everyone wishes the new family moving into this home all the best.”

Asked how the government will pick from the 400 families currently homeless in Ireland, Mr. Kenny replied: “Four hundred families! Wow! That’s a lot. Well, I suppose we’ll have to do a lottery system or something.

“Seriously, is there that many of them?”
