4 Stunning Images Of Last Night’s Supermoon


LAST night, stargazers were treated to a once-in-a-lifetime lunar display, the likes of which has not been seen since the last once-in-a-lifetime lunar display a few months ago.

People who never usually give the moon the time of day rushed out to snap a picture of the moon as the planetary alignment caused it to appear much bigger than usual, with an eerie red tint. Social media was flooded with images of the ethereal occurrence, and we’ve collected our four favourites here…


Mark Hennigan from Athlone posted this shot of the moon on his Facebook at around ten o’clock last night, along with a brief message that there was “something up with the fuckin moon”. Taken on his HTC phone, this shot gives us a stunning glimpse at just how dark it was last night.


Cork native Ciara Hennessy added this shot of the moon when it peeked out from behind a cloud for a minute before disappearing for the rest of the night. ‘#MOON’, wrote the 19-year-old, in a Twitter post that succinctly summed up her thoughts on the moon.


Shot by 23-year-old Dubliner Colm Malone, this picture posted on Facebook was accompanied by a paragraph which spoke of how “mad looking” the moon was. Malone faced questioning from his online friends as to where in the shot the moon was, at which point he told everyone to “open their fuckin eyes”.


The majority of moon pictures posted last night show the satellite in its normal shade of white, such at this pic posted to Instagram by Wexford youth Sheila Kelly. The moon did not achieve its blood-red colouring until much later in the night, and very few people bothered to get up to see it. “When d moon turn red? fuk this” wrote Ms. Kelly, echoing the opinions of many.
