‘Delighted’ Willie O’Dea Grows Two Feet Over The Summer Holidays


IRISH Fianna Fáil politician Willie O’Dea proudly announced today that he grew a whole two feet over the summer holidays and can’t wait to go back to Dáil to see all his friends.

Speaking this morning to WWN, Mr. O’Dea’s wife Geraldine Kennedy said her husband just “shot up during the holidays” and even had to buy him a new suit and shoes before heading back.

“He’s nearly as big as meself at this stage,” she stated, ruffling his neatly parted hair. “Sure, you wouldn’t feel the time flying at’all. He was so looking forward to seeing his friends last night that he barely got any sleep. He’s only delighted heading off now with his new Avengers lunchbox and pencil case.”

Asked whether she’ll miss him now that he’s back in the Dáil, she replied: “To be honest, I’m glad with the bit of peace now. Sure ya wouldn’t know what to do with them during the week. The weather wasn’t great so he was stuck inside colouring for most of the holidays. We went to Fota Wildlife park and all he did was complain there was no dinosaurs there. They appreciate nothing these days; that’s politicians for ya”.

Waving goodbye, the ecstatic Mr. O’Dea got into the back seat of his neighbour’s car before blowing kisses out the window.

“It’s great the Martins are only up the road too,” added his wife. “Their young fella Michael is top of Willie’s party. They get on great together”.
