Limerick Man Who Wore Heart On His Sleeve Dies


THE village of Mungret in County Limerick is said to be in a state of shock today after a popular local man slipped off the footpath and landed on his heart last Friday evening.

David Murphy was said to be walking home from his local bar at around 11:25pm when CCTV footage captured him slipping on the wet path.

“It looks like David instinctively put his hand out to break the fall, but instead broke the chamber wall of his heart,” local Garda detective Tadgh Clancy told WWN. “Once his heart burst he had nothing to pump the nine litres of blood around his body with, forcing his vital organs to shut down and die.”

Mr. Murphy was pronounced dead at the scene almost immediately.

It is understood the 68-year-old had been wearing his heart on his sleeve for a number of years and was well liked in the area.

“He was a lovely man,” recalled neighbour and longtime friend Jessica Harte. “Wouldn’t say boo to a fly. Kind of chap now that wore his heart on his….ah, yeah, well, he was an innocent fella, ya know?”

Gardaí and emergency services are advising people who do wear their internal organs externally, to be a little more careful in future as just the slightest knock can kill.
