College Course Realises It’s Not For Local Student


A COLLEGE course based in WIT in Waterford has decided to drop out of a local student’s interest after deciding it just wasn’t for him.

“I’m an intense four year course and I feel the work load would be just too much for the student,” explained the BA (Hons) in Marketing & Digital Media. “The chap only left secondary school in June for Christ sakes; he needs a year out at least. Best he head off to Asia or South America for a bit and see the world.

“I’ll always be here for him,” it added.

The student in question, named locally as Mark Reynolds, said he wasn’t sure how to take the news, but welcomed the idea of a break from studying for the next 12 months.

“My parents are a bit annoyed about the course’s decision, but what can I do?” Reynolds told WWN. “The course knows best and we’ll just have to go along with its decision.

“To be honest, I had a feeling it would drop out of my interest when it showed me the semester line-up for the next four years. It’s right, the whole thing looks very intense.”

Finally succumbing to the course’s decision, parents Donna and Charles Reynolds agreed to fund their son’s year away to Thailand and believe it maybe a good move in hindsight.

“You can’t really disagree with BA (Hons) in Marketing & Digital Media,” mum Donna agreed. “Mark really looks up to the course so we just have to go along with whatever it suggests.”
