Husband Enquires When His Wife Will Have Time for His Bullshit


AFTER being told in no uncertain terms by his wife that she doesn’t have time for his bullshit, Meath native Sean Callaghan has formally applied for an appointment with his spouse as and when she makes time to hear him out.

Callaghan, 37, frequently pesters his wife Diane with inane nonsense, usually when she’s up to her eyes with work or in the middle of several complicated tasks.

Gripes ranging from long-winded whinges about having to visit Diane’s parents at the weekend to whether or not the neighbours are taking up too many parking spaces, are usually met with the same “Sean, I don’t have time for your bullshit right now” response from his wife of six years.

The wording of her sharp exasperations have lead Callaghan to believe that while she doesn’t have time for his bullshit right now, she may have time for his bullshit in the near future.

“I’ve got ten, fifteen minutes of bullshit I need to run by her, tops,” said Callaghan, described by his closest friends as a bit of a dose.

“And okay, it appears that I’m bringing it to Diane at the wrong time, when she’s busy or stressed out or we’re in the middle of a row or whatever. So I wonder is there a time when she’s amenable to my bullshit? A bullshit amnesty? Bullshit hour? It’d really help me get some of this off my chest before I go nuts”.

In response, Mrs. Callaghan has confirmed that her bullshit diary is pretty full for September, and October isn’t looking great either.
