District Court Presents Waterford Teen With Award For His 100th Conviction


THERE were moving scenes outside Waterford District Court today as Judge Ciaran Carthy presented Ballybeg native Declan Flynn with an award upon his receiving of a 100th conviction, all before the age of 18.

Well attended by friends and family, Flynn looked rather sheepish when taking to the stage and spoke briefly when the award, designed by local artist Helen Rafferty was handed over by the judge.

“Eh, thanks and all, ye fuckin’ prick,” Flynn, dead-eyed, told the judge as he clutched the plaque which had a pair of golden handcuffs mounted on it, along with a list of every one of his convictions so far.

“Haha, I forgot about that one,” Flynn proclaimed as he scanned each conviction proudly, much to the delight of all Flynn’s arresting officers who were in attendance in full ceremonial gear.

“We’ve only really put this ceremony on in the hope Declan will feel a sense of fulfilment,” Judge Carthy told WWN, “he may feel a sense of one chapter closing as he reaches 100 convictions, and may consider retirement fingers crossed,” he said of the 17-year-old whose latest conviction involved the theft and subsequent joyriding of an 83-year-old man’s motorised wheelchair.

Flynn, however, confirmed he would celebrate his award in the city later by “boxing the head off someone”.
