Hollywood Begin Production On Syrian Refugee Film Starring Beautiful American People


SEVERAL Hollywood producers are set to join forces in order to bring the moving and emotional plight of millions of Syrians citizens to the big screen.

Universal, Paramount, Disney and Warner Bros. have confirmed their intention to bring the true story of Syrian refugees to light using a cast made up of impossibly beautiful and handsome American acting talent.

Assistants to the producers have spent several weeks scouting the beaches and train stations of Europe in the hope of finding a refugee with a story that has the right mix of melancholia, hope and ultimate triumph.

“In the past, we’ve waited for people like this to write their memoirs, but the rights to such a book often prove too costly. So we’re asking families to hand over the rights to their life story in exchange for a bed for the night,” Hollywood insider Zach Kinsey told WWN while scouting for refugees.

While details of the 14 competing productions are scarce, it is thought all movies will insert several beautiful Americans into their movie in order to make the story of families fighting for survival more accessible to audiences.

Despite all the movies being in pre-production, several of them have already received Oscar nominations some 5 months before the official nominees were set to be announced.

“People may say that’s cynical, but honestly, we tried our hardest to find really white looking Syrians, and believe me when I say it’s not that easy,” Kinsey confirmed to WWN.

I Am Syrian Child starring Jennifer Lopez is slated for release this January.
