Kid Breaks Schoolbag Deadlift World Record


SHOWING the kind of dedication that separates winners from losers, a 7-year-old primary school student has dug deep and shattered the schoolbag-lifting record with a stunning 14kg deadlift.

Cathal Malone (9½) put his years of carrying a heavy school bag around the halls of St. Naoise’s primary school in Clane to good use, showing grit and determination on the way to his unprecedented achievement.

With a mighty heave, young Malone managed to get himself, and his Avengers: Age Of Ultron backpack, up to a vertical base and walk the 100 yards required by competition regulations.

Loaded in the backpack were all the schoolbooks Malone uses, his copybooks, pencil case, lunchbox full of sandwiches with the crust cut off, and a plastic flip-top flask filled with red lemonade.

The lift was done with a standard technique of swinging the bag onto his desk, standing into the straps and then dead-lifting the load up the rest of the way, beating the previous record of 13.2kg set by a Mayo girl in 5th class last year.

“When you’re at this level of competition, you don’t stop to think about the pain,” said Malone, whose favourite subject is PE.

“You just fight through the fatigue and get that schoolbag up. You really don’t have a choice: what are you going to do, leave some books in school instead of lugging everything around all the time?”

Malone will have little time as celebrate his record tonight, as he has to spend an hour sitting in an ice-bath to prevent muscle damage, followed by a physiotherapy session to re-align his spine.
