Female Viagra To Replace Pernod & Black By 2018


A REVOLUTIONARY new pill dubbed the “female viagra” is to revolutionise courtship when it goes on sale in Ireland next year.

Scientists have claimed that should the drug catch on, it will have replaced current Irish aphrodisiacs such as a good feed of Pernod & Blackcurrant by as early as 2018.

The drug, known as ‘Addyi’, was developed to help women who suffer from a low sex-drive, and was yesterday given approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), putting it well on the way towards widespread distribution.

Irish women have welcomed the announcement, stating that it should help them get in the mood for dreadful, unimaginative sex with their overweight husbands, a problem that they are currently using alcohol to self-medicate.

“The thoughts of being able to get in the mood just by taking a wee pink pill is very comforting,” said one Mayo woman we interviewed.

“I enjoy sex, but it’s just a fucking chore sometimes. I look over at himself, and I contemplate running away and joining the nuns. Up to now I’ve been necking Pernod & Black when we’re on a night out so that I’m well up for the ride when we go home, but hopefully this Addyi will sort all that out”.

The sale of Addyi is currently being held up by a legal action from Pernod, who claim that they will go into liquidation if the female viagra pill is released.
