WWN Reviews True Detective Season 2


AS massive fans of the original True Detective, we were a bit disappointed to learn that the second series would feature an all new cast, working on an unrelated case in a new location. Because of this, we didn’t bother watching the second series at all. In fact, we didn’t even watch the trailer when it was posted earlier in the year. Regardless of this, we’ve formed an opinion of True Detective series 2, and here it is.

One of the best things about True Detective was the cast: both Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson were superb. We’re not big fans of Colin Farrell and we hate Vince Vaughan, so that immediately put us off watching the second series. But some of the people in the office downstairs told us that they’re really good in this, and so is the lad who played John Carter. We’ve been keeping an eye out to see if there’s a GIF of Rachel McAdams that’s anywhere near the one of the young lassie from series 1, which we played on repeat for a month last year, but so far there’s nothing. But overall, the acting is excellent, apparently.

The tone of the second season is in keeping with the first, by all accounts, which means it’s dour, bleak and just not what we were in the humour to watch after a long day’s work. We watched Friends repeats on Comedy Central while pissing around on our phones. True Detective season 1 was zero craic, but at least you got caught up in having something to talk about the next day at work, staying one episode ahead of the lad in accounts who hadn’t watched it yet and didn’t want to listen. Season 2 is probably more of the same, but with the added drudge of having to learn a load of new character names and pay attention to what everyone was saying. Who has time for that kind of thing when Predator is on Film 4 at 9?

We may not have bothered watching TD S2, but we’ve been pretty vocal on loads of online message boards, running it into the ground and claiming that anyone who enjoyed it doesn’t have a fucking clue. We overheard people on the bus say they didn’t like it, so that confirms our suspicion that it’s a pale imitation of series 1. Still, it’s well acted. We hear. You can find out for yourself, or you can just take our word for it and tell everyone that it’s shit.

Score: 2/5
