Dublin Man Furious Illegal Film Download Is Of Poor Quality


A COUNTY Dublin man was said to be absolutely furious last night after realising his recent movie download was in actual fact a ‘CAM’ recording, and not the high quality HDrip he was hoping for.

Cormac Lewis, who spent at least two and a half minutes searching a popular torrent proxy site for the movie Fantastic Four, slammed the poor quality copy’s uploader, who must be “a right fucking prick altogether”, for uploading such a “ball of shit” file.

“He’s making a mockery of the whole illegal download film industry,” Lewis told girlfriend Jessica Hunt, who was waiting eagerly for the next decent quality film to download. “You know, you spend all that time searching and then downloading the thing, and then it’s not even the real deal. People like that should be banned from copyright piracy, for life.”

Predicting another gruelling three minute download time, the stay-at-home-son-of-two cleverly checked the torrent comment section for clues to the quality of the new movie, just to be sure.

“It’s definitely worth the extra thirty seconds of research,” the absolute genius advised. “See here: someone said it’s a ‘proper rip’ too, and even a few ‘thanx uploader’ comments. Bingo!”

Following on from his previous experience, Cormac Lewis is expected to check illegal downloads for reviews in future, before wasting any more vital minutes from his incredibley exciting life – at least for another week or two, before he forgets again.
