Government Launch Kickstarter Campaign To Raise Funds For The Homeless


IN an attempt to make up a budget shortfall, which could see homeless services run out of funding later this year, the Government has turned to crowd-funding site Kickstarter to raise the much needed cash.

Dublin city councillors were yesterday told that the capital’s homeless budget had been set at €37.1million; €18.5 million shy of what is needed to house and care for the 3,300 people currently without fixed accommodation in the city.

The huge shortfall came despite assurances last December from the Minister for the Environment Alan Kelly that the Government “were willing to fund all necessary services”.

Under fire from homeless support groups to explain why the budget now fails to meet the needs of the 65 families who lose their homes every month, Minister Kelly stated that he was “on the case” and that he had set up a Kickstarter page that would sort everything out.

“We’ve put it on Kickstarter there, €18.5 million needed to make sure families aren’t forced to sleep rough,” said Minister Kelly in a statement earlier today.

“And we’ve put up some great incentives for people to donate. Anyone that chips in a tenner gets an ‘I did the Government’s job for them’ badge, contributions of 50 euro will get you a night on the piss in the Dáil bar, and anyone who coughs up 1,000 euro or more gets a homeless person of their very own, to keep for as long as they want”.

Kelly went on to congratulate himself for sorting everything out, and awarded himself a significant bonus.
