Busking Troupe Now Includes Lad Sitting On Box


THE fortunes of a Dublin based busking troupe are expected to pick up now that they’ve recruited a new member, who is expected to add some mystique to the group with his ability to sit on a box while they play their instruments.

Now a five-piece, the lads are expected to play their first busking set on Grafton Street over the weekend, where they hope the addition of a lad sitting on a box will encourage passers-by to throw any or indeed all spare change they have into the open guitar case on the ground.

Midnight Scaffolding, led by double bass player Sean O’Hanlon, will perform a medley of classic hits melded with cover versions of today’s biggest songs in an attempt to differentiate themselves from the nine other busking troupes doing the exact same thing further up the street.

O’Hanlon, who took up an arts degree in UCD in an attempt to shut his parents up while he concentrated on double-bassing, believes the addition of renowned box-sitter Fintan Scathail will help them break their €47 busking record.

“We put up ads on notice boards in college; ‘Band requires lad sitting on box'” said O’Hanlon, setting up the portable petrol generator needed to power the troupe’s amplifiers and PA system.

“Then we held auditions. Dozens showed up, but Fintan really shone through. The way he can just sit on a box while we’re playing, sometimes leaning back a bit, sometimes looking to the left or right as we play… Plus, he had his own box, so that was a significant bonus”.

EDIT: WWN have since received word that Midnight Scaffolding has broken up, after a series of box-sitting related creative conflicts between the members.
