Everyone A Fucking Photographer Now All Of A Sudden


A NEW study carried out across Ireland by camera retail outlets has found that everyone is a fucking photographer now all of a sudden.

Focusing on customers purchasing expensive SLR and DSLR cameras, the study found that 98% of buyers think they know it fucking all when it comes to the inner workings and techniques used by professionals.

“Most of these people did an introductory course of some kind in a mediocre adult college to get them off the scratcher,” explained one camera shop owner, who is absolutely sick of their shit. “Two minutes into the course they stick up a Facebook page or a photoblog with their works on display. Half of them couldn’t operate a tripod if given the task.”

The study also found a large increase in the number of local exhibitions taking place up and down the country, with no real portfolio or track record behind the so-called “artist”.

“It’s getting ridiculous at this stage; every second person now is a deep thinking, arty photographer because they got an okay shot of the sun shining through the leaves,” said head of the study, and fully trained photographer Cormac Moore. “If I see one more picture of a bird on a fucking seaside promenade barrier I’ll fucking shoot someone – and I don’t mean photo shoot”.

According to the study, which completed a nationwide search on social media sites, there are currently 3,789,678 photographers residing in Ireland, with that number increasing by 10 every two and a half fucking minutes.
