Scientists Baffled By Sudden Appearance Of One Really Long Hair On Mans Back


HAIR SCIENCE experts are today collectively stumped following the appearance of this one random weird hair on the back shoulder of Wexford man Finbar Cassidy.

Measuring 30cm long, the errant follicle is reported to be significantly thicker and darker than any other hair on his body. An initial investigation by his girlfriend confirmed that yes, it was growing out of him and yes, it was weird as fuck, prompting the 28-year-old to seek medical advice.

“He came downstairs after a shower one evening and said ‘C’mere, check this out'” said Aine Phelan, Mr. Cassidy’s girlfriend. “He shows me this weird hair growing out of the top of his arm, where no other hair is growing at all. It’s like a hair out of his head, just sprouted out of him. He’s not a very hairy man to begin with, so this is odd altogether”.

Fearing the hair may be connected to a vital organ, Cassidy refused to just ‘pluck the fucking thing out’, and instead sought help from the Flaxan-Brixton Clinic, one of Wexford’s foremost hair science laboratories.

“We’re utterly baffled,” said Dr. Ian Dansell, chief hair expert at the Flaxan-Brixton Clinic. “Hair normally grows on your head, under your arms, around your goolies and maybe a bit on your legs, chest, back and arse. For a hair to just suddenly spring out of your arm is totally gross altogether, and the whole case is reminiscent of the incident in 1987 where we treated a man who had one eyebrow that was like, way longer than the rest of them”.

Mr. Cassidy is being kept in an induced coma until analysis on the hair is completed.
