Ireland Preparing Itself For Influx Of J1 Pictures On Social Media



WWN has learned that as many as 84,000 images will be uploaded every hour by Irish students in America this Summer.

The rite of passage known as the ‘J1’ involves countless happy-go-lucky and hard-working students becoming addicted to gloating, leaving those elsewhere struggling to enjoy using social media.

“I would of course go outside and enjoy life instead of trawling through my social media profiles, but I’m stuck with the rain here in Ireland so I have no choice, I am literally being harassed by the happiness of my friends,” shared a distraught Sarah Lyons.

“Vegas, baby!” is just one of the completely unique phrases uttered on social media by students who travel and work throughout America during the Summer months.

With the J1 tradition long in place, it has become more difficult for Irish based students to ignore in the age of social media.

“I think it’s unfair to judge these students too harshly, they are young and want to express themselves, have fun. Now, when they return from their J1 that’s a different story,” explained social media expert Gav Unger.

“When they come back they tend to veer towards phrases such as ‘when I was in America’, ‘In Cali we’ or ‘I miss [insert food only available in America here]’. Friendship seldom survive this particular period.”

While it is clear from the 1.3 million instagram updates and 4 million tweets that are likely to be shared in the next 4 minutes that J1 students are having a great time, those close to home still manage to have the last laugh.

“I’m not bitter,” explained bitter student Jessica Healy, “but law of averages says one of my friends will come back pregnant so she won’t so fucking smug after that, will she?”

Meanwhile the majority of the Irish tabloid media will stalk students while they are abroad in the hope they can capitalise on any scandal or manufactured scandal.
