Men’s Underwear To Come With Best Before Date Under New EU Directive


THE European Union has issued a new directive outlining the need for a best before date to be placed on all men’s underwear in a bid to clamp down on poor hygiene across the member states.

The new law will force all distributors to attach a 12 month ‘best before tag’ on all men’s undergarments. The tag will “suggest” to men that they should dispose of their underwear on a certain day or month.

It is understood that over 90% of European men own and continue to wear at least three pieces of underwear aged 4 years or more. A study carried out also found that some middle-aged men owned underwear older than their teenage children.

One such male is 57-year-old Dermot Phelan from Callan, Co. Kilkenny. He told WWN that he owns one pair of ‘Y-fronts’ that are 19-years-old, out-dating both his children.

“Tadgh and Tracey were conceived while I was wearing them so it’s a sentimental thing really,” he said. “The joining in the middle has worn thin and they can be quite saggy if the wife doesn’t starch them. They’re a part of the family at this stage.”

Mr Phelan disagrees that the age of his underwear has any reflection on his personal hygiene.

“I’m very clean. They’re very comfortable and durable. Sharts are easily washed off with a quick scrub,” he added. “They don’t make them like this anymore”.

The European Union said it is also looking to implement a similar directive on women’s bras and knickers.
