Investigation Underway As St Brigid Cross Sweatshop Uncovered In Local Primary School


HUNDREDS OF Tipperary parents were said to be outraged today after it was revealed their children were forced into slave labour by several school teachers over a three month period.

Over 300,000 St. Brigid’s crosses were found after a search of the school, which is located on the foot of Slievenmon mountain.

Five school teachers were arrested and brought to the Clonmel Garda station for questioning.

The operation was uncovered after a brave ten-year-old boy blew the whistle on the illegal workshop.

“We started making crosses just after Halloween,” said the fourth class pupil, who wished to remain anonymous. “The teachers said if we made thirty crosses everyday we would get rewarded with jellies. But there was no jellies. There never was. It was all a lie!”

The boy’s parents told WWN that they first became suspicious of the school when they found strange lacerations on his fingers.

“He would sometimes come home with cuts and bruises all over his hands,” said his father. “If only we had to pay more attention to him when he said he was being made work in a sweatshop. We just thought he was being very funny at the time.”

At 3pm yesterday afternoon an armed Garda response team stormed the primary school and arrested 15 adults and four children. The children, who were older and thought to have been involved in the scam, were later released without charge.

Detectives told WWN that the sweatshop was reportedly selling the crosses to the American market for the past four months, and it is believed to have been a ‘multi-million euro operation’.
