JobBridge Intern Writes First Piece For WWN


WWN’s JobBridge intern Kevin ‘Trev’ Murray spent close to 45 minutes carefully collating information for his first piece of writing for the publication which we have reproduced below in full.

Kevin, who is dutifully working close to 90 hours a week, is slowly adjusting to the frantic pace of a 21st news media empire.

Following in the footsteps of Ireland’s almost infinite journalistic luminaries such as Colm Tóibín, Veronica Guerin, Oscar Wilde and Myles na gCopaleen, Kevin frantically added the finishing touches to his first piece while taking an unauthorised break from cleaning the conference room:


Colm – B.L.T, brown bread, toasted. Kit kat, club orange, packet of meanies, another kit kat. No, make that 3 kit Kats.

Maureen – 20 John player blue, cappuccino, chicken ceasar wrap – luke warm, NOT hot. Diet coke. Lem sip, Nurofen, paracetamol, Calpol baby AND 6+

Julius – Nuts, Zoo, Fhm, Men’s Fitness, Attitude, Closer. Toblerone, if they don’t have that any phallic-centric chocolate will do. Banana, ceasar salad. Coke zero.

Terry – Sushi. Write down everything I’m saying Trev. Exactly what I’m saying. Are you writing everything down? Really? Good. Sushi. If you don’t bring back sushi I’ll beat the head off ya. You’ve been warned. Get me a coke zero too, Trev.

Ken in accounting – Orange juice. One apple. Sandwich.

Remember to get receipts or won’t be reimbursed. DON’T forget this time.
