Carlow Student Can’t Wait To Finish College Degree This Year And Work In CallCentre


CARLOW IT student Timothy Ryan was said to be ecstatic this morning in the knowledge that he has only four months left on his college course, leaving him open to a multitude of call-centre jobs across the country.

The mature business student is expected to apply for numerous course related jobs in May, before giving up and opting for a lifetime career in the telephony industry here in Ireland.

“I have no idea why I even chose business as a subject to be honest.” the 36-year-old told WWN earlier today. “In hindsight, it was probably just to get my name off the live register and a degree under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get a supervisors job in a call-centre or something.”

Mr. Ryan began the course in 2010 after being left, go two years earlier from a construction company in Carlow.

“There was no work going and the dole were on my case the whole time, so I had to go do something.” he explained. “Business was my fifth choice on the CAO yoke. I said I’d do it for the laugh.

“I still got the same as the dole and was allowed to do a few nixers on the side. Sound.”

The father of none said he will probably take some time off after completing the course before getting back into the workforce.

“No point in rushing into it.” he added. “Sure, I’ll be at it the rest of my miserable, worthless life.”
