Guy Who Shared TED Talk Feeling Pretty Intellectual Now


A COUNTY Kilkenny man is said to be feeling pretty intellectual this evening after several Facebook friends, that he would not normally hear from, made comments and liked a TED talk link he posted earlier today.

Gerry Nowlan, who regularly jokes about how the local GAA pitch is named after him, shared a TED talk video at 11am after watching just 2 minutes 10 seconds of the twenty minute video.

“There was some lad going on about how intelligent crows were and showed clips of them doing clever shit.” said the 27-year-old breakfast enthusiast. “It looked interesting, but I was also kinda busy watching Jeremy Kyle on the TV,”

Mr. Nowlans video share was later inundated with friends posting their own favourite TED talk videos. Many leaving their own summaries of the video and commenting on how intelligent the people are who appear in the talks.

‘Check out this one out Gerry. It’s a conference talk on how the world can become famine free by treating our own faeces and sending it to the third world.’ wrote one Facebook friend. ‘It’s amazing what we can do if we all put our heads together’

To which Gerry replied: “If I could put my two heads together, I’d never leave the house lol.”

However, the future fossil fuel later admitted to WWN that he may have given the game away with ‘that last witty comment’.

“Ah sure, if you can’t have the bit of craic then you might as well top yourself.” said Nowlan.

TED talks are a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”.
